Purpleheart – (Peltogyne pubescens)

Scientific Name: Peltogyne pubescens

Family: Caesalpiniaceae

Common name (Guyana): Purpleheart

International trade name: Amarante

Wood Appearance

Dull brown when freshly cut, rapidly oxidizes to violet-purple on exposure to light and gradually toning down in course of time to dark purplish-brown. Sapwood whitish or cream colored. Grain generally straight, sometimes wavy or interlocked. Texture moderate to fine.

Physical and Mechanical Properties

Wood is very tough, strong and resilient. 

Average Dried Weight:860 kg/m³ (54lb/ft³)
Modulus of Rapture (Bending Strength) at 12%  N/mm²155
Janka Hardness1860 lb to 3920 lb at 12% MC
Elastic Modulus at 12% N/mm²16860
Crushing Strength at 12% N/mm²: 79
Shrinkage: Radial: 4.6% Tangential: 6.6% Volumetric: 11.2%
Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .76, .90

Natural durability

Highly resistant to decay, termites and heat. Heartwood very durable and extremely resistant to preservative treatment, but sapwood is permeable.

Timber Processing:

Drying: Dries well and fairly rapidly with little degrade.

Sawing: Power required, presence of internal stresses. Blunting effect: moderate

Machining: Power required, moderately difficult. Planes and turns well.

Gluing:        Glues well with care

Nailing:     Pre-boring necessary, hold nails and screws satisfactorily.

Finishing:  Gives good results when lacquered or polished.

Veneering:  Slices well


Possesses high strength and very good durability and is an excellent structural timber suitable for very outdoor construction work such as bridges, dock work and park benches. As floor it has high wearing capabilities and is suitable for most conditions of traffic. Has been used successfully in chemical plants for vats, filter press plates and frames. Also used for making billard cue butts, tool handles, interior and exterior joinery. A valuable wood for its attractive appearance and its strength.