Shibadan – (Aspidosperma album)
Scientific Name: Aspidosperma album
Family: Apocynaceae
Common Name: Bois Macaque
International Trade Name: Shibadan
Wood Appearance
Tan to rose-red, often streaked with purple or brown and becoming brownish yellow to medium brown on exposure. Sapwood yellowish, paler than heartwood but not sharply demarcated. Grain straight to irregular, texture fine and uniform.
Physical and Mechanical Properties
Hard and strong timber.
Average Dried Weight: | 850 kg/m³ (53lb/ft³) |
Modulus of Rapture (Bending Strength) at 12% N/mm² | 174 |
Elastic Modulus at 12% N/mm² | 19560 |
Crushing Strength at 12% N/mm²: | 89 |
Shrinkage: | Radial: 6.8% Tangential: 9.7% Volumetric: 18.5% |
Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): | .75 |
Natural durability
Heartwood durable and extremely resistant to preservative treatment. Sapwood permeable.
Timber Processing:
Drying: Dries without difficulty.
Sawing: Power required
Machining: Not difficult
Gluing: Glues well
Nailing: Pre-boring necessary, poor holding of nails
Finishing: Takes staining and polishing satisfactory.
A good general-purpose wood suitable for construction work requiring strength and durability and could also be useful for exterior joinery. Also suitable for paneling, turnery and furniture manufacture.